Please help enable our team of young people to join in with what God's doing in the amazing country of Romania

James Locke

St Thomas Church, Kendal - Youth Dream Team

Team captain: James Locke


In Summer 2024, Aasha, Anna, David, Grace, Hugo, James, Martha and Nat will be heading out to Romania with James our church youth leader and the YWAM mission adventures team. But we need your help to get there. Please give whatever you can to help us raise the £8000 needed to fund our trip. During our trip we will be partnering with YWAM and a local church near Cluj in Romania to help advance the good news of Jesus and provide practical help to the community we will be sent to.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


In Summer 2024, Aasha, Anna, David, Grace, Hugo, James, Martha and Nat will be heading out to Romania with James our church youth leader and the YWAM mission adventures team. But we need your help to get there. Please give whatever you can to help us raise the £8000 needed to fund our trip. During our trip we will be partnering with YWAM and a local church near Cluj in Romania to help advance the good news of Jesus and provide practical help to the community we will be sent to.

James Locke is fundraising towards